Central Line Catheter Emitter
Up to one in four patients who develop a central line infection die [6]. Reduce catheter related bloodstream infections and vascular catheter colonization by providing a barrier against pathogens at catheter exit sites.
The conformable material will allow the disc to move with the patient while emitting light onto the catheter and surrounding skin.
Urinary Catheter Emitter
Designed to fit comfortably at the catheter-patient interface, the emitter will shine light both on the surrounding skin and along the catheter.
This two-part sterilization will put a stop to both bacteria present on the skin as well as invading microbes travelling up the catheter.

Drainage Catheter Emitter
Indwelling catheters provide a surface for bacterial adhesion. The soft material of the device conforms to both body and catheter, reducing movement and irritation. Light emitted from the device then shines on the skin to eliminate intruding microbes and illuminates the catheter to prevent bacteria migration and biofilm buildup.
Surgical Site
Retractor and Emitter
Prevent wound contamination during open surgery with an infection-shielding retractor. Place the device directly into the open wound and expand the pneumatic ring to the desired diameter. An emission ring will prevent pathogens from directly contacting the site by shining light across the opening to ensure purification of the wound and all instruments entering the field. Light emission from the retractor body will also sterilize the skin and surrounding tissue.
This twofold application will render any airborne bacteria or instrument contamination inert while also destroying any residual microbes left on the skin.

Laparoscopic Port Emitter
While minimally invasive surgery itself reduces the incidence of infection, the entry wounds are still at high risk. Bacteria that is left on the skin prior to the incision can travel down the cut tissue, exposing the wound to possible infection. The port will emit bactericidal light outward onto the skin and surrounding tissue, thereby inactivating any harmful microbes before they can multiply. Inward emission will also kill bacteria introduced on instruments.
Ventilator Emitter
With an estimated occurrence of 9-27% of all patients who have been intubated for more than 48 hours, ventilator-associated pneumonia contributes to half of all hospital-acquired pneumonia.
Illuminating the length of the endotracheal or tracheostomy tube with specifically selected wavelengths of light will reduce pathogen colonization of the airway and reduce the growth of harmful biofilms.